HAIR- dark auburn/ EYES- Blue/ HEIGHT-5’7″
Warrior Strong
Essex County
Café Daughter
Say Halo to Christmas
Happy F$*#ing Sunshine
Cold Strings
Country At Heart
Crossword Mysteries
When Hope Calls Season 1
Northern Rescue
Bad Blood
My Secret Valentine
Murdoch Mysteries
Hard Rock Medical
Love is Complicated
Word of Mouth(web series)
Fight Day
The Valley Below
The Beekeeper
Love Me
Burlesque Assassins
Viva Las Nowhere
The Call
Jet Boy
To Wonder Among Men
The Marshal
Advanced On Camera Acting- Bernadette Jones, Alberta Centre of Acting Studies- David Everhard
Advanced Scene Study- Bernadette Jones, Sears and Switzer, Company of Rogues- Joe Norman Shaw, Christianne Hurt
Auditioning for the Camera Workshops- Sid Kozak, Stuart Aikens, Deb Green, Neil Dainard, Jackie Lind
Clowning- Michael Kennard, Audrey Jolly
Improvisation- Bad Dog Theatre, The Kinkonauts
Physical Theatre- Summer Lab Intensive- One Yellow Rabbit/Denise Clark/Michael Green/Blake Booker Vocal Training- Elizabeth Stepkowski.
Etobicoke School of the Arts- Drama Major/Dance Minor- 4 year program
Certified Ashtanga Yoga Instructor, Art of Erotic Dance instructor, Group Fitness Instructor, Published Poet, Singing Range- Loud to Louder.