Submissions are still welcome, but, to best serve our clients, it is our philosophy to not represent too many talent who would be in direct competition to each other.

Thank you for understanding.

Please email your headshot and resume to RobMCNexus@outlook.com

In the subject line, please put: Attn: New Talent.

Please include your current HEADSHOT and an up-to-date performer RESUME.

Please include a link to your DEMO REEL. If you do not have a demo, feel free to include any scenes or monologues you feel represent you and your range of talent.

Please make sure to include your NAME, HEIGHT, UNION STATUS, general SIZES, as well as your preferred PRONOUNS.

If you do not have a professional headshot or resume, then have someone take a photo of you (the photo should be no older than two weeks). Tell us some of your acting experiences or why you think you would be a good actor. Include a video audition to help us get an understanding of your talent. Choose monologues or scenes that will best showcase your abilities.

Our team reviews all submissions and only applicants of interest will be contacted within 5 business days.

Youth Roster

ACTRA Members

Non-Union Talent

Safe Sets COVID-19 (Level A) Certificate

It’s more important than ever to ensure we create the safest production environments possible, to protect everyone in our industry.

Our industry practices have changed. A collective of industry leaders, advocating for health and safety on set, are providing the resources which will aid our community, as we begin filming after the COVID-19 pandemic. This collective is focused on distributing helpful and well-researched information, verified by medical community partners.

“COVID-19 has shaken our industry to its core and forced us to reimagine what it means to be on set, and that will continue to evolve as we recover. We have partnered with medical and film industry leaders, creating a collaborative resource to increase safety measures from pre to post-production.”

-From Safe Sets International.

While information for this particular virus continually develops, the science behind infectious disease control is relevant to many viruses – from the common cold to pandemics – and should be adhered to, moving forward. Additionally, all rules and guidance from municipal, provincial/state, and federal government bodies must be followed.

Before returning to work, you will need to take the COVID-19 Certificate (Level A) Course. You’ll receive a Safe Sets™ COVID-19 Certificate upon completion of the test. The certificate demonstrates to your team and industry peers that you’re knowledgeable about upholding a safe production environment and that you value the crew’s health and safety.

Follow the link below to take the test and receive your

Safe Sets™ COVID-19 Certificate